Friday, June 25, 2010

Casualties Mount in this War on the Economy

Inspired by Banksy's murdered telephone booth, maybe I'll steal (repurpose) these discarded phones and make a statement about post-modern consumerism or the stranglehold that telecom has over Americans.

It would be a shame to send them directly to a landfill (Earth's open wound) without a useful pit stop along the way.

Then again, I'm lazy, it's hot and I don't have a gallery opening coming up.

In other news, I've developed a new hobby revolving around twitter (and, more recently, #humanburgers). I don't know why my posts won't show up when you search #humanburgers, or why anyone would search #humanburgers. I just know that the concept of human burgers is funny in the context of anger about Americans eating lion burgers.

So twitter gives us 140 characters per tweet. While I hate that the medium is so limiting, I'm trying to make the most of it. My newest hobby is posting tweets that use all of the 140 allotted characters. It's more difficult than it seems, considering I don't rely on any of the crutches of modern society (lol, lmfao, rotflmao, etc...).

The practice is known as efficiency in tweeting. In these tough economic times, we have to make the most of what we're given.


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